Animated Campaign Created for The Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights
Case Study

Animated Campaign Created for The Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights

Rev.01 teams up with The Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights to create animation campaign to strengthen democratic control of UK war powers.

As it stands, the UK Prime Minister can authorise going to war without consulting Parliament. While a constitutional convention that Parliament should be involved in the decision to go to war supposedly emerged following the invasion of Iraq in 2003, recent deployments of British forces overseas have occurred without prior debate or vote and have often been based on controversial legal justifications.

Rev.01 has recently teamed up with the Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights to produce a powerful short animation for their campaign to strengthen democratic control over UK war powers. We adopted two distinct animation styles to bring this project to life. The characters and subjects were created using a traditional frame-by-frame technique with digital software (Procreate), set at a low frame rate to evoke a choppy, almost unsettling feel. This contrasts sharply with the smooth, seamless transitions of the backgrounds.

The backgrounds and buildings were meticulously crafted as digital vectors and placed into a 3D environment using Adobe After Effects. This approach allowed us to create a layered film set, manipulating a camera in the 3D space to achieve depth and parallax effects.

Given the serious and sensitive nature of the campaign, we commissioned an original score composed by Daniel Higgs, fittingly titled 'Ceasefire,' to underscore the animation’s message. | Time to strengthen democratic control of UK war powers.

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