Logo Design

Anti-Plastic People

Anti-Plastic People is here to disrupt plastic culture, and make it stop.

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Project details

Anti-Plastic People

Logo Design

Anti-Plastic People is a not-for-profit community interest company that promotes a 360° strategy to tackle single-use plastic pollution.

Anti-Plastic People was born out of frustration towards the public backlash to UK government’s implementation of the 5p Carrier Bag Charge in October 2015, and the counterintuitive response by Britain’s largest supermarkets.

Their mission evolved from a simple idea for a range of alternatives to single-use plastic products – starting with canvas shopping bags, flasks and water bottles – to promoting a 360° strategy to tackle single-use plastic pollution.

At Rev.01, our mission was to craft an identity capable of resonating with a diverse and extensive community, all united by a singular vision: a planet that's cleaner and healthier. Our design approach involved encapsulating the logo in a versatile frame, designed to be easily extracted and applied across both digital and print materials, effectively emphasising key points of significance.

The chosen colour palette draws inspiration from the ocean, featuring multiple shades of blue meticulously sampled from imagery of the sea. To create a striking contrast, we introduced an intensely unnatural, luminous green. This vivid hue symbolises the very single-use plastics that the Anti-Plastic People are passionately committed to eradicating.

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